Human Coloration System
The SiliClone Human Coloration System™ is a simple, systematic, scientific approach for the coloration of silicone prostheses. The system’s detailed manual guides its users through a step by step process using multilayer intrinsic coloration.
Multilayer intrinsic coloration allows for predictive colorations, which has many advantages over extrinsic coloration systems. The goal is for all the coloration on the prosthesis to be completed once removed from its mold.
The HC System provides the most realistic appearance, with superior control of translucency and coloration. By using the intrinsic HC System, the prosthesis retains the skin texture of the mold, whereas painted extrinsic coloration fills in fine textural details. There is also less wear and tear of the coloration of the prosthesis by using the intrinsic system.
Although the HC System is primarily designed for intrinsic colorations, the system’s colors do easily allow for skin tone matching and therefore the process can be adapted for extrinsic coloration.
SiliClone Human Coloration System™: FUll Kit
Includes 20 different colors of pigment concentrates in silicone. A Full Kit have 10cc syringes as well as 1cc syringes of each HC color.
HC-1 : Light Caucasian base
HC-2 : African American base
HC-3 : Light Gray
HC-4 : Dark Gray
HC-5 : Light, High-Chroma Red
HC-6 : Dark, High-Chroma Red
HC-7 : Light, High-Chroma Yellow
HC-8 : Dark, High-Chroma Yellow
HC-9 : Mars Red Blush
HC-10 : Tan/Freckle
HC-11 : Lip/Nail Pink
HC-12 : Vein Blue
HC-13 : Alternate Blush
HC-14 : High-Chroma Base
HC-15 : Dark Knuckle
HC-16 : Alternate Caucasian Base
HC-17 : Pure Black
HC-18 : Pure White
HC-19 : African American Tan
HC-20 : Hispanic Base